The following information on Bristol, TN neighborhoods can help you understand the area while looking for an apartment in Bristol, TN.
Paperville / Ridgefield
Paperville and Ridgefield are relatively recently developed suburban neighborhoods in the northern part of Bristol. They are generally comprised of medium sized single-family homes built in the past twenty years. Paperville and Ridgefield’s median home cost is $154,116 and average rental price is $565.
The majority of the working residents are in office administration, followed by those working in sales and service. Residents of Paperville and Ridgefield are predominantly families of middle to upper income levels, with an above national average level of education.
Most people living in Paperville and Ridgefield average a 15-30 minute work commute. The neighborhoods’ residents by large travel in a privately owned vehicle or carpool. Because of the relative distance to local businesses, a private vehicle is helpful for the daily commute to work.
Walnut Hill
Walnut Hill is a neighborhood located in the western part of Bristol. Most of Walnut Hill’s real estate is made up of small to medium sized houses, with a median price range of $118,159. The average rental price in this area is $511.
The population living in Walnut Hill has a greater percentage of college students and educated seniors, but also includes young professional singles and families with children. It is rated highly as a great place to retire. The average income of Walnut Hill’s residents is in the middle to low range. Those living here who work are generally employed in sales and service, the restaurant industry, or tech support.
Holston Hills / Oak Hill
Holston Hills and Oak Hill are neighborhoods located on the south side of Interstate 81 near Blountville, Tennessee. Most of the homes in these neighborhoods are small to medium sized houses with an average price of $136,467. The average rental rate is $460, which is considered very low in comparison to other Tennessee neighborhoods.
These neighborhoods are primarily occupied by married couples, with fewer single residents. They are considered great neighborhoods for those of retirement age, since they are peaceful neighborhoods with below average crime rates. Most of Holston Hills’ and Oak Hill’s residents are in the middle-income range, primarily working in executive and office management positions. The next most common occupation for its residents is in manufacturing, followed by sales and service.
Haynesfield / Edgemont
Haynesfield and Edgemont are neighborhoods located in the central part of Bristol, Tennessee. The majority of homes in Haynesfield and Edgemont are small to medium sized and cost around $100,983. On average, these homes were built between 1940 and 1969. Haynesfield and Edgemont also have apartment complexes and the median rental rate is $441.
The neighborhoods are low to middle income areas, with about a third of its residents employed in office management and administrative positions. Other common occupational groups in Haynesfield and Edgemont are sales and service and manufacturing.
Gunnings / Fairview
Gunnings and Fairview are suburban neighborhoods south of Interstate 81 and near Blountville, Tennessee. The neighborhoods are comprised of small to medium sized single family homes, with a median price of $110,986. The average rental price is $421, which is lower than the majority of rentals in Tennessee.
The residents in Gunnings and Fairview are of mixed ages, including families with children, single residents, as well as senior citizens. Most people living here are employed in executive and management positions. Other popular occupational groups are in sales and service, manufacturing, tech support, and agriculture.
The majority of people living in Gunnings and Fairview average a 15-30 minute work commute. The residents by large travel in a privately owned vehicle or carpool. Because of the relative distance to local businesses, a private vehicle is helpful for the daily commute to work.
Deerfield Acres / Ruthton
Deerfield Acres and Ruthton are suburban neighborhoods located on the south side of Bristol, Tennessee. Homes in Deerfield Acres and Ruthton are small to medium sized single family homes with a median price of $103,907. Many of the homes here are mobile homes. The average rental price in these neighborhoods is $437.
Generally, the population is of mixed ages, a large percentage of which being families with children. Residents are of lower to middle income. The largest percentage of employed people in Deerfield Acres and Ruthton works in executive and office management positions. Other common occupational groups are sales and service, manufacturing, and tech support.
Avoca / Blue Ridge
Avoca and Blue Ridge are suburban neighborhoods in the southwest part of Bristol, Tennessee. The neighborhoods’ location overlaps the city’s Steele Creek Park. Homes in Avoca and Blue Ridge are small and medium sized houses with a median price of $99,095. Avoca and Blue Ridge also have apartment complexes with an average rental rate of $501.
Generally, the population is made up of mixed ages, including families with children, single residents, and senior citizens. Residents are of lower to middle income. The largest percentage of employed people works in executive and office management positions. Other common occupational groups in this area are sales and service, manufacturing, government employees, and tech support.
Holston Valley / Camp Tom Howard
Holston Valley and Camp Tom Howard are rural neighborhoods in the eastern part of Bristol, Tennessee, located around South Holston Lake. These neighborhoods are comprised of small to medium sized single family homes and some mobile homes. The average real estate price is $87,675 and the average rental price here is $444.
People living in Holston Valley and Camp Tom Howard vary in age and are of lower to middle incomes. A large percentage of these neighborhoods’ residents are employed in manufacturing. Other common occupational groups are sales and service, clerical work, tech support, and food service. A small percentage of people employed here work from home.
The majority of people living in Holston Valley and Camp Tom Howard average a 15-30 minute work commute. The residents by large travel in a privately owned vehicle or carpool. Because of the relative distance to local businesses, a private vehicle is helpful for the daily commute to work.
Weaver / Hickory Tree
Weaver and Hickory Tree are suburban neighborhoods located on the south side of Bristol, Tennessee. Most of the homes in Weaver and Hickory Tree are small to medium sized houses, with a median price of $73,613. The average rental price in these neighborhoods is $471.
Residents of Weaver and Hickory Tree are of mixed ages. On average, they are of low income and the most common form of employment is in sales and service. Other residents tend to be employed in managerial, manufacturing, or clerical positions. Weaver and Hickory Tree are fairly quiet neighborhoods, ideal for people of retirement age.
The majority of people living in Weaver and Hickory Tree average a 15-30 minute work commute. The residents by large travel in a privately owned vehicle or carpool. Because of the relative distance to local businesses, a private vehicle is helpful for the daily commute to work.
Apartments in Area:
1 to 3 BDRM
apartment in
$850 to $1200
1 to 3 BDRM
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$1030 to $1550
1 to 3 BDRM
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$550 to $1220
apartment in