Holston Hills / Oak Hill
Holston Hills and Oak Hill are neighborhoods located on the south side of Interstate 81 near Blountville, Tennessee. Most of the homes in Holston Hills and Oak Hill are small to medium sized single family homes with an average price of $136,467. The average rental price is $460, which is lower in comparison to almost half of Tennessee’s neighborhoods.
These neighborhoods are primarily occupied by married couples, with fewer single residents. They are considered great neighborhoods for those wishing to retire, since they are peaceful neighborhoods with a below average crime rate. Most of Holston Hills’ and Oak Hill’s residents are in the middle-income range, primarily working in executive and office management positions. The next most common occupation for its residents is in manufacturing, followed by sales and service. Most of these neighborhoods’ residents are white.
The majority of people living in Holston Hills and Oak Hill average a 15-30 minute work commute. The residents by large travel in a privately owned vehicle or carpool. Because of the relative distance to local businesses, a private vehicle is helpful for the daily commute to work.