Paperville / Ridgefield
Paperville and Ridgefield are relatively recently developed suburban neighborhoods in the northern part of Bristol. They are generally comprised of medium sized single-family homes built in the past twenty years. Paperville and Ridgefield’s median home cost is $154,116 and average rental price is $565.
The majority of the working residents are in office administration, followed by those working in sales and service. Residents of Paperville and Ridgefield are predominantly families of middle to upper income levels, with an above national average level of education. Most families are white, with fewer Black, Hispanic, and some east Asian families.
Most people living in Paperville and Ridgefield average a 15-30 minute work commute. The neighborhoods’ residents by large travel in a privately owned vehicle or carpool. Because of the relative distance to local businesses, a private vehicle is helpful for the daily commute to work.